373 items total [11 - 20]
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-4
D. Peri exetaseon ton Emporopliarchon
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-3
V.D. Peri emporikon mathimaton
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1, 4
D. Tou epi ton Ekklisiastikon ke tis Dimosias Pedias Ypourgiou, aforose tin ektelesin tou V. Diatagmatos tis 18 Iouniou enestotos etous
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-2
D. Peri tou Kanonismou ton Ieratikon Scholion
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-2
V.D. Peri isagogis emporikon mathimaton en to Gimnasio Patron
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 3-4
PSifisma Peri isagogis en men to Ethniko Panepistimio tis oplaskias, en de tis katoteris ekpedeftiriis tis gimnastikis
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-2
Nomos RH' Peri diorganoseos tis ekpedefseos kata tin Eptanison
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1, 7
V.D. Peri sistaseos Naftikon Scholion
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1-2
V.D. Peri metonomasias tis en Lixourio Petritsiou Scholis
[Government Gazette]
Approval: 1, 5-14
D. Organismos tis en Athines Rizariou Ekklisiastikis Scholis